Ethereal. Elegant. Intense. Modern fusion bellydance.

Posts tagged “first post


Hello there! My name is Inaya Nour, and I believe in honesty up front: I have no real plan for what I’m going to be writing about here.

As a bellydancer who is actually a medical student on leave from school, I have a lot of interests. You might find scientific oddities here, news about upcoming performances, updates on my latest costuming projects, rants about current trends to reject modern medicine/technology and all of its benefits along with its flaws, and so forth. I’ll mainly assume that if you’re here, you’re interested in me as a dancer, and I do have a lot to say on that front, but my more thinky-thoughts do tend towards science, technology, medicine, feminism, humanism, post-humanism, mental health, science fiction, religion, and squid. Cephalopods in general, really.

So, come for the dance, stay for the cuttlefish pics, I guess?